
Caution counterfeits!

The philosophy of Pohl Force is to provide our customers very high-quality knives. Unfortunately, more and more cheap imitations of our knives appearing especially on the internet. These are copies of our registered designs and the misappropriation of our trademark.

These replicas are similar only in predominantly visual aspects of the original. The workmanship and the materials used are mostly very poor, which partly explains the large price difference to the original. Using these fakes is a great risk of serious injuries.

Nevertheless, the enforcement of any liability claims in these cases is extremely difficult. At first glance, such counterfeits are almost indistinguishable from the original. This makes it difficult especially when buying one online. We therefore recommend you to buy only from specialist dealers or directly from us. There you will get expert advice and a genuine Pohl Force knife.

Plagiarized Alpha/November One

Example of a misuse of our branding

Plagiarized Foxtrot One Outdoor

Plagiarized Alpha One Outdoor




Plagiarized Hornet XL Custom Edition 2009

Plagiarized Hornet XL special edition

Plagiarized November One Outdoor and Survival

Plagiarized Prepper One Outdoor

Example of a misuse of our branding

Plagiarized Prepper One Tactical

Plagiarized Quebec One Outdoor

Plagiarized Prepper Two Outdoor

Example of the misuse of our trademark.

Example of the misuse of our trademark.

Plagiarized MK-8

Plagiarized MK-8

Plagiarized MK-8

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9

Plagiarized MK-9 Legacy

Plagiarized MK-9 Legacý